Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Show me how to love"

(Now read fully before you get mad) Personally I think we lose many people when we preach sunshine and roses and name it and claim it to the point we have others feeling condemned for not always being a person who says only faith words and always smiles and fights perfect...cause we have all made a mistake.  I am not suggesting we throw pity parties and camp out in misery, I am only suggesting we encourage and uplift each other.  In a world full of people it is so shocking to hear so many say " I feel alone."

We are not each others Holy Spirit, that being said, we should listen to the Holy Spirit ourselves for the right words to minister to each other.  Setting aside our own pain we should minister from a place of love and compassion for their pain. Remembering God IS Love and if we need to understand what Love is like we can read 1 Corinthians 13.

The words to the song I shared the link to, say.  " They want to tell me it'll be okay, but that's not what I need right now.  Not while my house is burning down."  There are some people who do like to hear " It'll be okay." But there are many more that just need a hug or an ear to bend.  We don't have to correct people who are in pain of any kind.  Compassion and prayer are often far better than any words we could say.  Checking in from time to time to be sure all is well, dropping by with something special, just a small " I care" gesture.  Just be there when we are needed.  I like the words displayed at the beginning of this video, " It's okay to not be okay."  Feeling pain doesn't mean we are NOT in faith, Jesus felt pain...was He any less for it?  He sweat blood, for what He knew was upon Him, did that mean He wasn't in faith.  He is The Son of God, I think that makes it okay for us to be real.  If we are afraid someone will fall of the deep end if we don't tell them right away to not let it get to them...then maybe we are the ones who need prayer.  If we think that not listening to someone let go of what is holding them down will make their pain disappear or make them "get over it", then we really do need prayer.  Jesus still helped the disciples even when they were not in faith and we are His hands and feet, should we not do as He has?

I admit, I am head over heels in love with Jesus!  I am by no means perfect which makes me love Him even more.  That He loves me so much to do all the things He does daily to show me His love and I just can't imagine not knowing He loves me, I want the world to know He loves them too...don't you?

Lord God, you gifted us to be Your hands and feet, to share the good news of Jesus Christ, in words and in living.  Pour out Your Love upon us and may that love fill us from the soles of our feet to the top of our heads and may it run over into everyone we meet .  May they see Your love in us and through us and may they be draw to that love and seek You themselves.  We seek You and Your ways and ask for Your wisdom and Your truth to flow from us to a lost and hurting world and to our brothers and sisters in need of encouragement.  We ask this of you in Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.


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